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Google Workspace for Digital Marketing

Does your digital marketing strategy involve hundreds of content pages, videos, images, graphics and spreadsheets?

Is your digital marketing team spread across the globe?

Then surely, all your digital marketing experts, content writers, content marketers, graphic artists, subject matter experts, social media experts and people with different talents and responsibilities must collaborate in real-time.


If you are not using Google Workspace to manage your digital marketing strategy, and unless you are using some digital marketing tool that costs you thousands of dollars every month, you must be facing lots of difficulties and efficiency issues.

In this blog post we are going to explore 10 ways you can use Google Workspace to manage your digital marketing strategy.


Digital marketing teams are mostly agile teams. You need to quickly scale them. This means that lots of collaboration happens.

Maybe some of your digital marketing team members are working on an e-book. They may need to do lots of research and compile their findings in a document that can be shared by everyone.

Multiple writers might be working on the e-book text. They might be living in different cities and different countries.

Your editors might be living somewhere else.

Graphic designers who will be creating the needed art for the e-book might be working from somewhere else.

The entire team may have to brainstorm using group chats and video chats multiple times in a day. They may need to keep track of all the discussion threads.

They may need to store all the files in a cloud-based storage space so that they can be accessed whenever needed, irrespective of where the person who needs the files is situated.

This is exactly what Google Workspace is made for: online collaboration, communication and file sharing.

Everything your digital marketing team needs to collaborate, is present in the form of one feature or another in Google Workspace. In fact, there is no tool better than Google Workspace if you need top-notch collaboration capabilities in an online software.

Now let’s see how you can manage your digital marketing strategy using Google Workspace.


Branding and familiarity are very important in the online world. A big effort of digital marketing goes into making your name and brand familiar to your target audience, and one of the first steps you can take is, make it easier for people to recognize you when they receive your email.

Also, when you are participating in Google Hangouts, it’s better that people see a familiar profile pic rather than the default grey image Google shows.

This, you can do by having a profile picture with your Gmail (even the official email that you use with your Google Workspace account is conveniently called Gmail).

You can have either your company logo or your own profile pic, whatever suits you.

This is how you change your Gmail profile pic:

Log into your Gmail account (again, the official email account you are using with Google Workspace, not the free Gmail version) and then click the Settings icon.

Click on Gmail Settings icons

In the Settings, scroll down until you reach the “My picture” section.

In the Settings, scroll down until you reach the “My picture” section.

Click “Select a picture

In the preceding pop-up, use the “Choose File” button to choose the appropriate file from your computer.

Select your Gmail picture

As you will see, the interface asks you to crop the image.

Crop your Gmail profile picture

You can either crop the image so that it fits into the black border above, or if you don’t want to cooperate, using a graphic tool, you can resize the photo and try uploading it again. Whatever you decide to do, finally you can click “Apply Changes”.

As you can see, the image has been uploaded. You can decide whether your Gmail profile pic is visible to everyone or just those who are present in your contact list. Preferably, make it “Visible to everyone”.

Make your Gmail profile picture visible to everyone

Scroll down and click “Save Changes”.

Now your profile pic is saved, and it will be visible to all who interact with you using Gmail and Google Hangouts.

You Gmail profile picture is now setup


As mentioned above, email marketing is one of the most potent ingredients of digital marketing. You may have to send promotional campaigns repeatedly. You may also have to send replies to many queries and many of these replies may be the same, with a few changes here and there.

Gmail in Google Workspace allows you to save canned responses. As the name suggests, you can create a generic email and then save it as a “canned” message. Later on, whenever you need to send such a message, just retrieve the canned message, make a few changes, and send it.

Benefits of saving multiple canned messages include

  • You significantly reduce the chances of error as you are not retyping the same thing again and again.
  • You can save time as you can quickly make changes in the existing message and send it.
  • You never fail to send important information because it is always present in your canned message.

This is how you can use canned messages in Google Workspace.

  1. Go to Settings in Gmail
  2. Go to the “Labs” tab
  3. Scroll down to the “Canned Responses” section and choose the “Enable” radio button
  4. Save and come back to the inbox
  5. Compose a new message and write whatever text you would like to save as canned response
  6. Click the arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Compose window
  7. Click on “Canned responses”
  8. Click “New canned responses”
  9. Enter the name by which you would like to save this canned response

To use the canned response

  1. Compose a new message (or you can reply to an existing message)
  2. Click the arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Compose window
  3. Click on “Canned responses”
  4. In the subsequent pop-up menu, look for the name of the canned response you would like to use in the “Insert”

The entire process is explained with screenshots, below

Log onto your email account, as mentioned in the above point, go to Settings and look for the tab “Labs”.

Go to Gmail Settings and look for the tab “Labs”.

This is a section where Google adds features for experimentation. Don’t worry, the “Canned” feature has been there in Gmail for many years and it is quite mysterious why it hasn’t been removed from the “Labs” to one of the main sections.

Click on Canned Response lab, enable it and save changes

In the “Labs” section, “Enable” “Canned Responses” and then click Save Changes.

Come back to your main inbox and compose a new message.

Click on Compose in your Gmail

In the “New Message” create a message that you would like to reuse.

After you have created your canned message, click those vertically arranged three dots at the bottom-right of your browser screen.

Write your email body in Gmail

A pop-up menu appears that allows you to save your canned response.

Click on New Canned response

The pop-up window that appears (where you enter the name of the new canned response) when you click “New canned response…” appears at the top so look over there because one tends to get confused about where is the next step.

Enter the name of your Gmail Canned response

The above steps will allow you to save the new canned response. Now, how will you use this new canned response? The steps are quite simple.

When you want to send a new message or reply to a message, simply open the email editing window as usual and click the same three dots at the bottom-right.

In the subsequent pop-up you will see the option of including your canned message.

You can now insert your canned response template in Gmail

This will insert the canned response into your new message (or the reply).

As you can see in the pop-up on the left, you can use the existing canned response, you can save a new canned response, you can modify an existing canned response and you can also delete the existing canned response.


You can keep track of your team’s schedule using Google Calendar, an integral part of Google Workspace.

You can go to Google Calendar from your Gmail account or when you are working in one of the Google services. Assuming you are in your Gmail account, you can launch Google Calendar this way:

Go to your Google Workspace Google Calendar

Once you are in Google Calendar, on the left hand side you will find the “Add a coworker’s calendar” link.

Click on Add a coworker calendar

Don’t worry. You can use the same link to add a coworker’s calendar, and also, to create a new calendar. You can create a new calendar specific to your ongoing digital marketing campaign.

Add a new Google Calendar

Your newly-created calendar becomes visible among the list of calendars that you can manage:

You will now see your marketing calendar

You can use the three dots in front of the calendar name to add people to your calendar.

Share your Google Calendar with your marketing team mates


You will be creating scores of files – documents, videos, graphics, audio, photographs, slides, PDFs – when working on a particular digital marketing campaign.

Since multiple people will be accessing these files, you can create a dedicated folder in your Google Drive and then you can share this folder with all the team members.

To achieve this, go to Google Drive from your Gmail (or any of the Google Workspace apps you might be using) and from there launch Google Drive.

Go to Google Drive

Once you are in Google Drive, you can create a new folder dedicated to your ongoing digital marketing campaign.

Create a New Folder in Google Drive

Enter the name of the folder

Name your Google Drive Folder

The folder becomes visible in your Google Drive.

Your folder will now appear in Google Drive

If you already had a folder named “All digital marketing campaigns”, you could have gone inside that folder (by double-clicking its name) and then created a new folder there, following the same command route.

Coming back to this recently-created folder, right click on the name and you get the following pop-up:

Go to Google Drive Sharing option

As you can see in the image above, in the proceeding pop-up, you have various options of sharing this folder with your digital marketing team members.

If you click “Get shareable link”, you can straightaway send them a link.

In the box that says “Enter names or email addresses…” you can enter the email ids of all the people working on your current digital marketing campaign.

By clicking the drop-down arrow near the pencil icon, you can decide how you would like to share the folder. People can either have all the rights (create, edit or add new files) or they can just view the contents of the folder.

Share your Google Drive Folder

In the above screenshot, you can also see a tiny grey link “Advanced”. Click it, if you want. When you click it, you come across the following pop-up window:

Define your Google Drive Advance Sharing settings


Google Sites is mostly for creating internal websites or intranets, but you can also use this feature in Google Workspace to enhance your digital marketing strategy.

Google in its documentation says that you can improve your search engine rankings by creating a site using Google Sites.

This is how you can create a Google Site to instill more power into your digital marketing campaign:

First, go to Google Sites.

Go to Google Sites

Since Google keeps on upgrading its services, sometimes it offers older or newer version, seemingly randomly. Upon entering Google Sites, some of you may encounter this dashboard:

Click on New Google Sites

Although you may proceed with this dashboard, the “New Google Sites” has a better interface and more features, so you may like to switch over to the newer interface.

Once you have switched over to the new dashboard, click the + sign to create a new Google Site.

Click on plus icon to create a new google site

Initially, you get something like this

You will now see your Google Site

If you hover your cursor around the text “Enter site name”, you are given an option to upload a logo for your website.

Rename your Google Site

If you want, you can upload a logo. You can also enter the site title and the page title.

What’s the difference between the site title and the page title?

Site title: Your companies name, for example, “Digital Marketing Services LLC”

Page title: A title for this particular page: “This is how we do digital marketing”.

Create your Google Site header

Obviously, you would like to add more components to this webpage. The toolbar on the right-hand side will help you. It contains different components that you can add to your webpage.

Add widgets to your Google Sites

If you want to add some text to the newly-created webpage, you can use the text box:

Add Text box widget to your google site

Similarly, you can drag various components to the empty space and add different bits of information. As you can see on the right-hand side toolbar, you can add images, embed components, upload files, YouTube videos, calendars, Google Maps and even documents from Google Docs.

A typical website has multiple web pages. So, you can add more pages by going to the PAGES tab.

Add New Page to your Google Site

Once you are under the PAGES tab, you can add a new page by clicking on this icon at the bottom.

Once you have worked on your Google Site to your heart’s content, you can publish the site by clicking PUBLISH.

Publish your Google site

When you click the PUBLISH button, you come across this screen:

Map your Google Site

As you can see, you need to supply the web address. In the web address, only numbers, alphabets and dashes are allowed. Not more than 30 characters.

You are creating this Google Site for digital marketing, so you would like it to be accessible to maximum number of people. Hence, you would like to go to the section “MANAGE”. Clicking on MANAGE brings you to this pop-up window:

Share your Google Site with others

As you can see in the above screenshot, there are various settings you can change before you finally publish your Google Site.

If multiple people are going to manage your Google Site, they may be able to change the contents of the website. You can decide who all can edit your site by clicking the facing “Change…”  link against “Draft – Specific people can edit”

Share your Google Site with specific people

Since you don’t want everybody who has access to the link to be able to edit your Google Site, you only want to allow specific people. So, choose the last option and then click Save.

Referring back to the previous screen:

Share your Google Site with others

Now, click “Change…” against “Published – …” – – [“maps demo” is a group created by the author of this tutorial in the above screenshot, the text may appear to be something else in your case], and you come across this pop-up screen:

Change Google Drive sharing settings

Since you want your Google Site to be accessible to people as well as search engine crawlers, you would like to choose the first option “Anyone can find and view the published version”. Click Save.

Another thing you might be interested in is the “Request public search engines to not display my site” checkbox.

Make your Google Site public

But, to give a push to your digital marketing effort, you don’t want to check this checkbox. You want search engines to crawl your Google Site so that you can get more traffic from search engines.

Click PUBLISH and now your Google Site is publicly available. You can keep on adding more content to it to further improve your search engine rankings.


Google+, as you may already know, is Google’s answer to Facebook. It might not be as widely used as Facebook, but by the end of 2017, Google+ had 375 million active users. According to this Forbes article, in a survey of 180,000 social media users, Google+ scored a satisfaction rating of 81/100 compared to 68/100 for Facebook.

Go to Google plus

Whenever you have published a new blog post or a webpage, or whenever you want to brainstorm on a new digital marketing idea, you can post text link on Google+ and invite feedback from your Google+ contacts. You can keep the discussion open or closed, according to the nature of your brainstorming session.

From within your Google account, if you go to Google+, if you haven’t joined yet, you are prompted to join the network.

Click on join Google+

Before joining, you need to create a profile.

Provide your details to create Google plus profile

Nothing much needs to be done to create a Google+ profile, although later on you may like to tweak it to customize it according to your organization.

In the proceeding screen, on the left sidebar click Home and you can access your timelines (mostly people you have added as your contacts). Since you may have not added any one yet, you will be confronted by a blank screen. To set the ball rolling, either you can first try to find people who are already on Google+, whom you know and invite them to connect you on Google+, or you can simply post your first update.

Post on Google +

You can write text (where you read “What’s new with you?”). You can post an image, a link, a poll or even your current location.

Once it is POSTed, all the people who have connected with you will be able to leave their comments, and even their own images and links.


Google Workspace Sheets can help you manage your entire social media marketing campaign using a single sheet.

For example, you can have a worksheet for Google+, another for Facebook, another for Instagram, another for LinkedIn, another for Twitter, and so on.

Create Social media marketing schedule with Google sheet

After creating your social media marketing Sheet in Google Workspace, you can share it with your digital marketing team. You can click the SHARE button at the top.

Share your Google sheet with others

You can follow the steps already explained in the section “Using the Google Workspace Google Drive to collaborate on your digital marketing campaign” on how to share a file or a folder you have created in Google Workspace.

After you have appropriately shared social media marketing sheet with your collaboration team, everyone will be able to access it.


Whereas social media marketing platforms are mostly for content distribution, you will be creating lots of content as a part of your digital marketing strategy and you may have to collaborate with many writers, editors and authors within or outside of your organization. This is where Google Docs in Google Workspace can prove invaluable.

You can create a Google Docs document and then share it with your colleagues and digital marketing team members. Start Google Docs.

Go to Google Docs

Open a new blank document (if you haven’t already gotten the document working for you).

Create a new Google doc

After opening the blank document you can create an outline and then share the document with your team using the method described in the section “Using the Google Workspace Google Drive to collaborate on your digital marketing campaign”.

Share your digital marketing Google doc


Every successful digital marketing campaign is based on customer insights. Different organizations have different ways of gathering data from their existing and prospective customers.

A great thing about Google Forms is that you can just send the form link to people you want to survey and all the information that they enter will be saved in the Google Workspace spreadsheet.

First, let’s create a Google Forms.

Go to Google Forms

Start a new form.

Create a new Google form

Google offers to give you a tour of the entire form-creation process but if you want you can click NO THANKS because you are going to learn how to create a Google Form in this tutorial anyway.

Take Google Forms tour

You can first create the title of your Google Form and if you want you can also enter the description.

Enter your Google Form name and its description

A survey questionnaire means you’re going to ask multiple questions and your survey participants are going to provide you answers and when you have collected many answers, you’re going to draw your own conclusions.

So, after naming your form, you are going to create your first question.

Add Text question to your Google form

How must the answer be? Your question can be answered in different forms and when you click the down arrow in the above screenshot, you get this set of options:

Add multiple choice questions to your Google form

Suppose the answer should be a multiple choice one. Then your first question and its set of multiple-choice options will look like this:

Add multiple questions in Google form

In the above screenshot, if you want this to be a required question, you can switch “Required” on.

Next question? Click the + on the toolbar on the right.

Add more questions to your Google form

You can add another question, this time with a “drop-down”-answer type.

Add a dropdown question to Google Form

This way, you can add as many questions to your Google Form as you need. As you are creating your form, it is automatically being created. So, once your form is fully created, you can “SEND” to people from whom you want to gather the information.

Send your Google form

The proceeding screen gives you an option to enter the emails of people to whom you would like to send the survey form. But, it is good to get the URL so that you cannot just view the form that you have just created, you can also send the form link separately via email.

Send Google form via link

Once you have copied the URL to the clipboard, you can open another tab and load the form just to see how it looks.

Preview your Google form

Once you send the link and people start submitting the form, you will be able to see how many people have responded.

Click on Google form responses tab

Click the RESPONSES tab and you will be able to view the responses to your Google Form.

See Google form responses


Almost all Google Workspace apps are available from your mobile phone. If you want to manage your digital marketing with Google Workspace in the best possible manner, install the relevant apps on your mobile phone including

  • Google Docs
  • Gmail
  • Google Drive
  • Google Hangouts
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides

  • Google Plus

So, kickstart your digital marketing by using tools and apps available in Google Workspace.

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